Turning visitors into advocates: the coast travels inland.
Since 2016, Grady Britton campaigns have brought Oregonians closer to the abundant life that calls the sea, shore, and sky home. With the majority of visitors coming from 75-100+ miles away, driving traffic is key to creating a deeper relationship with the Aquarium's mission of protection and conservation.
Rotating exhibits act as a catalyst for driving not only first-time visitorship but also repeat attendance (and even membership) to support the Aquarium’s ongoing operations and conservation work.
Tailoring the message to the media
Creative and media integration deliver captivating, efficient, and highly focused messages, leading into peak attendance seasons throughout spring and summer.
Research shows
GB-led research shaped a new brand framework to “Spark an unending curiosity for the ocean.” A natural north star to guide the Aquarium in realizing its full mission – to be a recognized ocean authority & trusted resource – turning visits and exhibits into lifelong ocean stewardship in actionable, everyday ways.
In 2022, the Aquarium celebrated its 30th anniversary in addition to navigating a monumental Capital Campaign to renovate the on-site experience and enhance many of its facilities, including a planned new Rehabilitation Center.