Energy Trust of Oregon

Meeting new audiences with authenticity and honoring their stories.

How valuable is a resource if people don’t know it exists? Energy Trust has been offering savings and solutions to Oregonians for years, but only some were aware and using them. So we created a campaign to introduce Energy Trust to new audiences that, due to historic systemic inequities, weren’t aware of the resources available to them. The strategy? Build trust by celebrating their stories and communities.

above industry standard click-through rate

For our message to connect with racially and geographically diverse audiences, their perspective and creativity needed to be represented. Grady Britton engaged our audiences from the outset, starting with the co-creation of ideas and audience testing, through every step of campaign creation.

Translation is not enough

Grady Britton collaborated with IZO, our multicultural marketing partner, from campaign ideation through launch, to ensure every message would resonate with our audiences. 

Integrated Campaign and Channel Strategy

Our campaign focused on three unique customer stories, and was paired with a carefully crafted media buy to increase awareness of the Energy Trust brand. Audience insights informed our approach that gave special consideration to rural audiences, Black and Tribal communities, as well as priority small markets. 


Brand Radio

Brand Video

Energy Trust exists to be a resource for all audiences. To support that mission an evergreen video was created, one that celebrated real customers and their stories. The video helped Oregonians see how Energy Trust can power their lives while shifting the perception of Energy Trust from a brand that’s highly technical to one that’s relatable and accessible. 

Thank you to our collaborators

We are grateful for the contributions of our co-creation team: DeAngelo Raines, Josué Rivas, and Jorge Rodriguez.

Residential DIY Tips Campaign

Oregon summers can get hot. Uncomfortable for most of us and unlivable for some. So DIY tips were created to market Energy Trust’s knowledge and resources, allowing more people access to what they need to save energy and enjoy the season.