Reinventing Now–Making Brand Magic in Times of Change: Part 2

Ready for the great “reopening?” A restart sounds like a real relief, right? Yes – and – in a lot of ways, the messiest part of the pandemic disruption may be about to begin. State by state, community by community, lockdowns are being lifted. With no universal agreement on exactly how best to do it safely. 

Reopening won’t look like a return to a former normal. What’s normal is what’s now. Let’s get your brand ready for that. (Spoiler alert: things are going to be, shall we say, “pliable,” for a while; your brand’s response will need to be, too.)

We’re awash in data, facts, trends. It can be hard not to get lost or overwhelmed by it all, there are clues to pockets of unmet needs or underserved markets. Filter it for gems that can inform how (and where) your brand shows up; embrace that guidance. 

Maybe it’s emotional (ex. isolation, loneliness, boredom) 

Maybe it’s tangible (ex. food supply, sanitization, healthcare)

Maybe it’s need-based (ex. healthcare, food) 

Maybe it’s want-based (ex. solving boredom)


What you can do right now:

  • Elevate your CSR program; visibility around corporate social responsibility actions are as valuable as any currency now.
  • Demonstrate adaptability; make changes that help now – making your product or service more useful, affordable, relevant, etc.

Change in unnerving. Audiences are looking for stability, security, something solid they can believe in as they reacclimate. Ironically, your brand adapting, flexing, showing up in new, surprisingly appropriate ways, can offer the grounding effect that is so desperately wanted. What’s that look like? It looks like heart. And heart looks like these things: 

  • People over profits – If you have the ability to help, help. It may affect the bottom line now, but assures brand affinity later. Taking care of people is good business, now and always.
  • Nurture trust – What you do now impacts how you’re seen later.
  • Adapt, repeat – Revisit your routines for doing business. Look at your processes, product, service with entirely new eyes and ask, “What’s possible?”
  • Empower your people – Does your staff have what they need to live your brand promise authentically and nimbly?
  • A “Will To Be Great” – People remember good that stands out. Be that agent of change that leaves a lasting effect, a legacy in your category and with the people you serve.


See it in action:

Mackenzie Leads with Design. 

This leading integrated-design firm set out to answer the question on everyone’s minds: what will building spaces look like post-COVID-19? From retail to healthcare to public facilities to workspaces, design and function will need to change. 

Our PR team shared news of the firm’s newly released COVID-19 Design Guide with the media, while also positioning Mackenzie's deeply experienced team as thought leaders in the several sectors that aligned with their qualifications for additional storytelling opportunities.

  • 9 articles in 4 publications earned
  • 1 broadcast interview earned
  • Garnered media attention for Mackenzie, its team and its services
  • A timely and relevant way to showcase Mackenzie’s forward thinking vision and ongoing dedication to clients


Beloved brands show heart.

No one can change who we were before this global pandemic turned our world upside down, but we can look at who we are because of it.


We can pivot, polish, and shine our purpose to ensure we’re better and will stay that way. Reach out if a quick consultation would be helpful. And we’ll meet you back here for more in our series.

Reach out for a quick consultation